Today was an absolutely PERFECT day to go to the zoo. The weather could not have been any more beautiful! If we wait until later in the summer to go to the zoo, the heat is almost unbearable so we usually like to go once in the spring and once in the fall when the weather is cooler. We decided to leave pretty early and get to the zoo within the first hour that it is open to hopefully avoid the crowds. Boy, was this ever a good idea! We got there close to ten and were able to see many exhibits without too much trouble due to crowds. We left around one thirty, and we could tell about the last forty-five minutes that we were there that the zoo was getting PACKED! I'm so glad we didn't have to fight the crowds the entire time we were there and the boys got to actually see the animals. Gavin absolutely loved the zoo! I would say that this is probably the first time that we have taken him that he is overly excited to be there. Before, he enjoyed it, but today we could tell he was really into it! It seems like the older he gets, the more fun he has. The zoo is one place that we can go without having too much of a meltdown with him. He is a very high energy little boy and likes to be RUNNING everywhere. We have tried taking him to the movies and the circus and neither one worked out so well. He just does not like to sit still long enough! The zoo is Gav's zone! He gets to be active and the scenery is ever changing so it keeps his attention. Owen is pretty happy to just sit in the stroller and get out every now and then to look at the animals. The zoo also works out well when it comes to nap schedules. Owen can just lay back in his stroller and take a nap when he needs to. The zoo suits the needs of the whole family! We had such a fun day and are all worn out this evening. We are so fortunate to have such an awesome FREE zoo within an hour of our home. I don't always love living so far away from home (Kansas), but we do have a lot of awesome opportunities here that we wouldn't have as easy access to if we lived in Leoti. Gotta look at the positives I guess! Here are some pictures of our family enjoying our day at the zoo.

Gavin really enjoyed all the animals today.
Going up the steps to the slide at the Children's Zoo. Inside the zoo, they have a smaller section that they call the "children's zoo" that has lots of fun activities for little ones. There are farm animals like goats, chickens, rabbits, pigs, etc., and also a play area. The cost is usually $4 a person but it's free for the first hour the zoo is open. We made it today with about five minutes to spare! It's pretty fun but I don't know that I would pay $12 (Owen is still free) to get in. We enjoy it when we make it there in time to get in free!
He's as tall as a River Otter.
Owie checking out the birds with daddy.
Daddy showing Gav Reid how to brush the goat.
Owen wasn't so sure about the goats. He preferred to keep his distance!
Daddy giving Gav a lift to get a better view of the animals.
Gav got to choose a treat after lunch. He picked a popsicle!
Owie chowin down on his cheerios.
Waiting for the sea lion to come his way.
He thought these were pretty neat.
Daddy telling Gav all about the prairie dogs (and how Pop Pop shoots them).
My hubby's rocking photography skills at work!
Checking out some big cats.
More big cat lookin.
Little man taking a snooze in his stroller.
He really got into looking at the animals!
Had to take a quick nose picking break!
Hey zebras!
Daddy enjoying the zoo.
Gav LOVED the lemurs.
He thought they were soooooo silly!
Owen's back! All rested up!
Checking the monkeys out.
He really liked the rattlesnake.
Come look dad!
Telling daddy all about the rattle snake.
Owie had to get in on the snake action too!
He was one tired little boy!
What a fun day! Gav was already talking about going back on our way home. If we lived in St. Louis, he would probably want to go on a weekly basis!
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