Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day Camping Trip

Yes, I realize I am a little behind on posting this! I just haven't found a good time to sit down and write, but right now, both of my boys are asleep (which rarely happens), so I finally have an opportunity! On Monday afternoon (Memorial Day), CJ, Steph, and Addie came over to hang out with us. The kids enjoyed playing outside in the water and we had planned on grilling out for supper. Around three o'clock, Rem and CJ were trying to think of something to do for entertainment and they decided that we were going to go camping. I know, nothing like a spur of the moment camping trip, right!? I wasn't thrilled with the idea (I'm not the biggest fan of camping) but Rem convinced me to go along. While we were getting everything ready to go, it began to thunder and lightening. By then, I was REALLY not wanting to go but everyone else thought it was a great idea. The boys had to run to Alco for some supplies and while they were gone, it began to rain. By this point, I had decided that I was for sure not going because I was not thrilled with the idea of camping in the rain. Owen and I stayed at home while everyone else headed out to the lake. About an hour later, Rem called me and said that they had found a cabin to rent at the lake and decided to do that instead of tent camping and asked me if I had changed my mind. I decided I could handle a cabin so Rem came back to town to get Owen and I. We roasted hot dogs for supper and the kids enjoyed the play ground at the camp ground. By the time it was time for bed, I decided Owen and I would both probably sleep better if we were in our own beds so we headed back to town (thankfully the lake is only about five miles out of town). We joined everyone for a camp site breakfast in the morning and some more outdoor play. Gavin absolutely loved the whole experience and Rem is already planning our next camping trip (yay!.......uhhhh, not!). He says we have to go somewhere where I can't escape and go home to sleep!

 Gav enjoying a S'more in the cabin

 Daddy and Owen having fun on the swings

Just enjoying the outdoors!

 Gavin on a nature walk.

 Owen finding some treasure on the nature walk.

 Addie hanging out at the camp site.

 Rem cooking up some breakfast burritos.

 The sweet cabin.

 Uncle CJ set up the tent just for fun.

 Silly Face!

Owen also got his first hair trim this week that I wanted to include a few pictures of.

 He wasn't so sure of the whole situation at first.

 Being brave.

He ended up sitting really well for me!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sweet Summer Time

Well, I think it's safe to say that summer is officially on its way! We have been having many hot days lately and the boys have been enjoying playing in the water in our backyard. I snapped a few pictures throughout the week and thought I would share them!

 He's quite possibly the sweetest one year old I know!

 The master of the hose.

 We planted a garden this spring and Gavin's job is to help water it.

 Both boys really enjoy the water table we got a couple of summers ago.

 You will notice that in most pictures of Owen outside, he is wearing this super cool blue hat. I know, I know, it's super dorky but I love it because it keeps his head, neck, and ears covered so they don't get sun burned. For the most part, it also keeps his face shaded. It may look dorky (daddy thinks so) but it gets the job done!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Mother's Day Tribute

In grade school, for Mother's Day, we always got to do fun little projects that showed our moms how much we loved them. We got to write fun little poems that told of all the reasons we loved our moms. I'm pretty sure half of the class said something like "My mom is pretty. She makes good food. She gives good hugs and reads me books. I love my mom!" There's a lot of thought and effort put into Mother's Day cards when you're six! I'm gonna take it back to elementary school and do a little "Why I Love My Mom" essay.

There are so many reasons why I love my mom. The older I get, the more I appreciate everything that my mom has done for me in the past and what she continues to do for me today. The statistics show that many times, children of teen parents are worse off than their peers who have older parents. I don't believe this was the case for myself and my brothers at all. Yes, my mom was only eighteen when she had me, but I don't believe that her age was a factor in her being an awesome mom. She was born to be a mommy! She had three little kids under the age of three and a half all before she turned twenty-two. I never really thought much about this fact until I had Gavin (I was almost twenty-two) and it really made me appreciate my mom that much more. Now that I have two little boys, I realize that having three little kids in three and a half years is a LOT of work! If my kids were the same age apart as my brothers and I, Gavin and Owen would be getting a new brother or sister this month! I would be one busy momma! When I think about it like that, it really makes me realize how busy and tired my mom must have been. The one thing that I'm so thankful of growing up is that I had a stay at home mom. I know it's a totally overlooked position and at the time I'm sure I didn't appreciate the little things that my mom was doing for our family. Although, at the time, they didn't seem important, I must have been picking up on things that my mom was doing because now that I'm a mom, I do many things the exact same way that my mom did.  One thing that I really appreciate learning from my mom is cooking and baking. She always had a home cooked supper on the table every night and when I got older, I would often help prepare supper with her. When I became a wife and mom, something that was (and still is) very important to me is making my family healthy, home cooked meals. Thanks for teaching me how to cook momma (my husband thanks you too!). I think that my choice to be a stay at home mom was highly influenced by the fact that my mom stayed at home with us. It's something that I learned to value and see the importance in. I learned that being JUST a wife and mom was ok......awesome in fact. I am able to put all of my time and attention into what matters to me the very husband and kids. I can tell you, without a doubt, that the most important things in my moms life aren't things, they are her husband, kids, and grandkids. Even though we are all fully grown, with families of our own, I know that my brothers and I are still my moms top priority......well besides her grandkids (I think she likes them a little bit too!). My mom is probably one of the most selfless, gentle, kind hearted, caring people I know. She rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone and even though she deals with pain and exhaustion from her auto immune diseases on a daily basis, I rarely hear her complain. She is also one of the most encouraging people that I have ever met and can almost always find at least one positive thing to say, no matter the circumstance. Her faith in God is an inspiration and encouragement to so many people and she has used the talents that God has given her to further His message. I can't tell you why she has to deal with the auto immune illness that she does and I wish I could magically make them disappear, but I can tell you that she has used it as a platform to share her faith in God and encourage others who deal with the same types of things that she does. She has an amazing way with words and seems to always know the right way to say things so that it uplifts and encourages whomever she is talking to. She is, with out a doubt, one of the best Nana's around. I know it is so hard for her to be twelve hours away from her grandkids and I often feel guilty that it has to be this way. I know she always imagined living in the same town as her grandkids and being able to spend time with them on a daily basis. I truly wish I could make this happen because I know how happy it would make her, but for now, God has us in Illinois for a reason. Even though we are twelve hours apart, she makes it a priority to know what is going on with the boys. We are able to FaceTime several times a week and she has been able to see the boys say their first words, take their first steps, and just enjoy everyday moments with them. I am SOOOO grateful for the technology we have today because it ensures that my kids have a real relationship with their Nana, even being twelve hours away. The boys adore Nana and it's pretty obvious that she adores them as well! I can't imagine being the mom I am today without the awesome example that my mom gave (and continues to give) me. I truly look up to her and hope to show my children the absolute selfless love that my mom has shown to myself and my younger brothers. I admire her character and think she is the perfect example of the Godly wife and mother that I aspire to be. She is one of my very best friends and a person that I know I can always depend on. I love her with all my heart and am so thankful that she is my mom and my kids Nana! Happy Mother's Day to one awesome woman!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Our New Swing Set

For Owen's first birthday, he received money from Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Great Grammie Berta and Great Grandpa Jim, Aunt Whit, and Uncle CJ and Aunt Steph. We decided to put all of his birthday money together and get the boys a swing set! It's always awesome when you can put all your money together to get one big awesome gift! My awesome husband and brother-in-law spent all day putting together this swing set for the boys and it turned out awesome! Although the process of actually getting the swing set was kind of a mess, it all worked out in the end. About two weeks ago, I ordered a swing set online from Walmart and at the beginning of this week, I got an e-mail telling me it was ready to be picked up at the store (I just sent it to our Walmart store so I didn't have to pay shipping). We have been busy all week but Rem decided that he would just take today to pick up the swing set and put it together. He left very early this morning to go to Litchfield's Walmart to pick the swing set up, but when he got there, they were having trouble actually finding the swing set that I had ordered. He called me and told me that they were having problems locating the swing set but they had another one there that they would go ahead and give to us if we wanted it instead. I went online and looked at the one they were offering to us and to my surprise, it was actually a nicer one than the one I had originally ordered (about $100 more actually!). I told Rem to just go ahead and bring the one home that they were offering us so we didn't have to mess with trying to re-order the one we had originally wanted. Plus, Gavin was REALLY looking forward to getting his swing set and I figured we would have a major melt down if daddy came home with out a swing set! Rem and CJ worked really hard all day and finally got it all put together around five o'clock this evening. Gavin was SOOOOO excited to finally play on it. While he was swinging on the swing, I heard him say, "I love my new swing set!" He ended up playing on it all evening, until it was almost dark! I think it will get LOTS of play time this summer! Thanks to everyone who gave Owen birthday money and helped us get this swing set!

 Gav and Daddy getting ready to start our project.

 The kids used the box that the swing set came in to play in.

 He loves his cousin. I didn't even have to prompt him to hug her!

 Owen supervising the project from the front porch.

 Checking out the pretty flowers.

 It was soooo hard for Gav to wait patiently for the swing set to be completed.

 Owen being a snack snatcher.

 Yelling at all the cars passing by.

 Gav hanging out in his snack shack.

 Finally complete!