Wednesday, March 19, 2014

So I Finally Started a Blog

I have been saying for a while now that I would like to start a blog. I have always enjoyed being creative and writing and thought that a blog would be a fun way to nurture those hobbies. I live a simple life being a wife and mom so I'm sure my blog will reflect that! I'm guessing the majority of what I post about will include things you would expect from a stay at home mom.....pretty much anything to do with kids, cooking, cleaning (or a lack there of), and just living a happy, simple life! I have a strong passion for being a wife and mom and absolutely believe it is God's calling for my life. Some people know from a young age that they want to be a teacher, doctor, business owner, etc. I have always known that above all else, I wanted to be a wife and mother. I feel so blessed to be able to stay at home everyday and care for these precious little people that God has entrusted me with and serve my husband by taking care of our home. It's not a glamorous, high paying job but it's what I love doing. My home isn't always perfect, neither are my children, but our home will always be filled with love for one another, even on the hard days (and trust me, there are hard days!) I'm excited to start this new little hobby of blogging and I hope to encourage other wives/moms along the way!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to read it Laura. You will do a great job. You are so creative in your writing. Love, gram
