Friday, March 28, 2014

How a Mom Can Change the World


I believe the title of this woman's blog post should leave out the words "stay at home" and just say "mom". The things she writes about aren't exclusive to being a stay at home mom (well besides not getting dressed until three in the afternoon......I'm guilty), but pertain to just being a mom in general. I didn't write this but I couldn't have said it better myself. This is beautifully written and I think every mom, stay at home or not, needs to read this. I think that the role of "mom" is hugely overlooked in our society. Sometimes I feel as though people think that I (or any SAHM for that matter) have the easiest,think-less  job in the world. I had another mom once tell me that she has to work outside of the home because she has to have her brain "doing something" during the day. Right, because I sit on my couch staring at the television all day in a comatose state, day in and day out. No, I don't crunch numbers, heal sick people, teach other peoples children, (insert job here)....but I do think what I'm doing in the lives of my boys is pretty darned important. Truth be told, I don't think there is another "job"/calling that rivals that of being a mother (and this is just my personal opinion, not trying to start an argument here). Whether you are a mom who stays at home all day, works from home along with caring for your own children, or works outside the home, above all else, you are a MOTHER. And that's a pretty big job in and of itself. I think that ALL moms have a very important job and we need to do a better job of supporting each other. Being a stay at home mom isn't right for everyone and being a working mom isn't either. At the end of the day we are all just moms trying to do what we believe is best for our families. Being a mom matters, no matter what form it comes in! So here I am saying "Working moms, you rock." I couldn't do what you do everyday. Waking up before dawn to get yourself ready, then getting your kids ready and out the door by a certain time, only to work all day and then come home to still be a wife and mother. I was a working mom for a total of six weeks, all of which I came home a bawled every night that I didn't want to go back to work. I was not made to be a working mom and our family has been incredibly blessed so that I don't have to be (I understand that this is not always the case). Stay-at-home moms, you also rock. I DO do what you do everyday. It's tough, but in a different way. You don't get a break from your "job". If your kids are having a bad day, guess what?, you get to listen to it ALL DAY LONG, and trust me, it does get old after about the first hour of whining. Sometimes it's hard to have another identity apart from your children. I don't have another title that I'm known by. It's "mom" and that's it. I honestly don't mind that, but I know it's hard for some women to not feel like they are anything besides "mom." I really think that there are hard things about each kind of mom and we all need to be better about showing some respect to moms of all kinds! At the end of the day when we are tucking our kids into bed, we are all just "mom" and what a special job that is! We are making a difference in the lives of some pretty special people!

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