Three years ago today, I became a mommy. My life changed in that instant and someone else's needs would forever come before my own. I learned what sacrifice really looked came in the form of waking up four times a night to have a baby nurse on your unrealistically sore bosom (I bawled through EVERY SINGLE feeding for the first 6-8 I'm not exaggerating, ask my husband.....things did improve though and G successfully breastfed for 13 months). I learned that yes, love at first sight truly does happen. There is absolutely no comparable moment in life that rivals that of meeting your baby for the first time. I learned that parenting is hard.....parenting an infant is hard, parenting a toddler is hard, parenting a child is hard.....I'm going to guess this does not change, no matter how old they get. But, above all else, I learned that being a mom is what I was made to do. I fail miserably at times, mostly when Gavin is in one of his "I'm gonna throw a fit about anything and everything" moods. I'm not gonna lie, it's so hard to keep my own anger in check when he is screaming and hitting me. It's no easy task parenting a strong willed child, and speaking of strong willed, I just can't fathom where in the world he got that from.........this is a lie, that strong will has ME written all over it! Anyway, I'm so glad that God picked me to be G's momma. Yes, he is challenging at times, but he is also amazing in so many other ways too! He is so incredibly smart for his age and loves learning, he has a very tender loving heart (just like his daddy), his imagination cracks me up, he says the sweetest things out of no where ("I love you mommy," "Mommy, you look pretty," always melts my heart when he says those), and he's just all around a fun kiddo. I have so enjoyed being able to stay at home with him and watch him change and grow over these past three years. I know every parent says this but it really has gone way too fast. I think it's pretty obvious that I love this kid A LOT! Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet Gavin Reid!

Labor is undeniably the hardest thing I have ever done.
No epidural and 16 hours of labor.....yeah, it was hard......
But, when it's over, it's over and the awe of seeing your precious new baby completely takes over the pain.
And here we are three years later!
Watching a movie on his ipad this morning
There's that sweet smile!
Yay! Presents!
G's favorite toys are his Cars movie characters. He got "The King" for his bday
He also loves Sandra Boynton's books!
Pretty happy with his new car.
King meet McQueen
And of course, our day wouldn't be complete without a meltdown. It's his party and he'll cry if he wants to!
Gav is now happily playing with his Cars toys and watching the movie. We don't have any huge plans for the day. Rem has a track meet (he is assistant coach for the Jr. High and High School) in Greenville and I was going to go to the grocery store but I've decided it can wait until tomorrow. We will have Gav's friends over for a party on Saturday to celebrate him turning three. Betcha can't guess what the theme will be.....Yep, it's Disney Cars! Well, it's lunch time and surprise surprise, my family want's fed so off I go to reheat some soup (working hard, I know!) and dig some other stuff out of the fridge to serve them! I promise I will make them a fresh, home cooked supper tonight! Bierocks are on the menu and I'm gonna try out the bread machine mom gave me. YUM!
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