We spent this past weekend with all of Rem's family in town. It was beautiful outside so we spent almost all weekend out in our back yard. The kids had so much fun playing and enjoying the sunshine. Gavin was EXHAUSTED last night and slept like a rock, I'm sure tonight will be the same. Something about playing out in the sun makes kids sleep so well! Yesterday, we had a cookout to celebrate Owen and Sabra's upcoming birthdays and Owen received money from everyone to put towards a swing set. I can't wait to get one picked out and set up! I think the boys will absolutely love playing on it! Gavin also got to die some Easter eggs and I think he got more color on his hands then he did on the eggs. He really enjoyed it though! Today, we celebrated Easter by going to church (although we didn't hear the message, due to two little boys who did not want to sit still), and having lunch as a family at our house. We spent the afternoon outside playing with the kids and hunting eggs. The boys got Resurrection Eggs in their Easter basket (if you have never seen these, they are a set of eggs that each contain a small something that helps tell the Easter story. You open the egg and read the corresponding story relating to each of the eggs) and so Rem hid all the eggs and had Gavin find them and then we all opened the eggs and read the stories together as a family. I think it really helps little ones understand the reason of why we celebrate Easter! This afternoon, Rem and CJ decided to plant a garden in our backyard so they spent the afternoon and evening pulling weeds, tilling the ground, and getting everything planted. I'm excited to see what kinds of crops the garden will yield! We had a wonderful weekend enjoying the beautiful spring weather and all it has to offer!

Gav and Addie enjoying the sand box
Daddy and Owie
Gav and Uncle CJ coloring some eggs
Gav was pretty impressed by the colors
He loves his daddy!
Wow Dad, you're pretty good at this!
SOOOO excited!
Daddy drew a car on an egg for G
Mr. Professional
Hunting eggs after church
I LOVE this photo! *Ignore the tennis shoes, mommy didn't realize that we had outgrown our dress shoes until this morning. Epic mommy fail!
Dyas family. We couldn't get one with all 3 kids looking!
Best family photo we could get. Our boys never want to cooperate at the same time!
Dyas Ladies
Owen exploring at the playground
Love this one of Owie! Once again, both boys would not cooperate at the same time.
My three handsome boys!
So excited to get his eggs!
Serious egg finder
I think I found one mom!
I love his hair! glad you had a great Easter. Love, Gram